So tomorrow January 20
th, marks the 2 anniversary of my stem cell transplant. It was a terribly rough time, and 2 years ago I
didnt think Id be typing about it today, and me seeing Skylar turn 3. So here is a
photojournal of my transplant, my transformation to Katina 2.0 (my sister)

So we started out Katina receiving Neupogen shots to stimulae her bone marrow to make me some stem cells.

Katina all hooked up and making giving some stem cells!

Katina alittle chilly!

Our "sisters" willow angels.. a small token of thanks from ol' Kara!

There they are! Getting ready to go into their new home in my bone marrow!

Katina holding her cells, she made 6 million, and we only needed 2 million! Go Katina! And my momma in there too.

There they go!

So there you have it! After that was all downhill of course, having no white blood cell count for almost a week gave me fever spikes, random blood infections, infected access lines, HORRIBLE mouth sores, and terrible fatigue. But, Im here today to talk about it! And it all gets easier, if you take one day at a time.
So here we are today, living it up, after many relapses after transplant thanks to a miracle!

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