Wednesday, February 4, 2009

DAY +15 - Wednesday

Kara's Mom again - Praise God! - Kara is improving. Last week was a very rough week but her WBC started slowly coming up on day 10. It was a little early so we didn't get too excited for a couple of days until the counts kept going up each day. So it's official - Katina's stem cells have found their way to her marrow and are starting to grow! (Go Katina!) Kara's WBC was 1100 today and her platelets are almost normal. Her mouth is improving and she is beginning to eat again. From her lab work it seems that her internal organs survived the high dose chemo with no long term damage. There is a fine line between killing the cancer and killing the patient. She still has a long road ahead but she's headed in the right direction. Now we start watching for the graft vs host (GVHD). The doctors say that a little GVHD is good because Katina's stem cells would attack any remaining cancer cells if there were any. The doctor mentioned today that if everything goes ok the next couple of days Kara might get out of the hospital by the weekend. We are excited about that!


mbounds said...

Hey Kara & Linda, I am glad you are having a good day,My prayers are always with you."Be of Good Courage,and He shall Strengthen Your Heart,All of You Who Hope in the Lord" Psalm 31:24 also please pray for me because I have to work with Ken. HaHa

Mark Bounds

Heather said...

excellent news!!! and mom you have some awesome daughters!!!

B. said...

Whoooooop! Amazing news, congrats Kara and Fam!

You guys are right, there is a long road ahead. But for now, celebrate today and these moments, in every way you can.

Sending Love,


Rebecca Banks Lee said...

Awesome news! Thanks for updating! I'm so happy for you all and I know you are all so excited about coming home!

Mike Y said...

let's air out...

So glad to hear it, keep your speed up!